Things To Wear




Boots are worn by motorcycle riders in order to protect their feet and lower legs. They tend to be at least ankle length. Some reach as high as the knees. Unlike fashion boots, biking ones have a low heel. This is in order to keep control of the vehicle.

The leather used to manufacture them is both thick and heavy. This is important as it adds extra protection if a crash occurs. When this happens it is common for unprotected riders to get deep cuts and scratches. Thicker leather ensures that this does not happen.

Hard impacts during accidents will also cause deeper damage such as broken bones. For this reason biker boots also contain a level of padding. Energy from impacts are therefore absorbed to a higher extent and injury is reduced.

Riders will often find themselves travelling in wet weather conditions. It can be uncomfortable to have water get into the boots. In order stop this from happening modern ones have linings made from Gore-Tex or SympaTex. It ensures that the boots are adequately waterproof.

Biker boots also tend to open legwise using either fasteners of Velcro. This is in order to make putting them on easier. It also makes them more flexible and therefore easier to move around in. The ideal motorcycle boot should be tight yet comfortable.


Racing and touring boots are quite similar to each other. The main difference is that the former has a higher level of armour fitted into them. This is because races have a much greater potential for accidents.

Touring boots are more designed for longevity. They are intended for bikes that ride on hard pavements. The design emphasis is on fitting to the form rather than giving protection. Touring boots are the ones that can be seen on the stereotypical image of a street biker.

Motocross boots are very different from other types. These are made specifically for all terrain riding. They need to be able to handle dirt and gritty surfaces. They are also far stiffer than conventional biker boots. In fact, motocross ones are more reminiscent of ski boots. There tends to be a series of straps that run up the foot and ankle. These allow the wearer to adjust the tightness to their comfort level.
